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Customer Care Number - 9819106106
Our Services
Sr. No. Profile Name Tests Included Price
1 ANA Profile Antibody To SSA, SSB, SM, JO1, U1SNRNP, Centromere, RNP-SM, SCL-70, NcX dsdna 5000/-
2 Anaemia Profile Microcytic hypochromic Panel CBC, Iron Studies, StFR, Ferritin 1800/-
3 Arthritis Profile CBC, ESR, CCP, CRP, ANA, Uric Acid, Urine Routine, ASO, RA factor 2400/-
4 BOH Profile (Mini) ANA, Cardiolipin Antibody IgG/ IgM, Lupus Anticoagulant, TSH and Torch -5 IgM 5400/-
*Some of the tests mentioned in our directory are outsourced to a referral laboratory.